Coming to an end
Don't panic - I mean the year is coming to an end, not Twysted Roots! It's that time of year when I eventually take two or three guilt free days off... not that it feels like a rest since the house is needing tidied and there are gifts to wrap, two of my least favourite things to do. Ah well it's me that makes most of the mess anyway so only myself to blame there. Never seem to notice it when up to my eyes in beads!
I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am still to be doing this another year on, especially in the midst of everything going on. It's been some year with a mix of highs and lows like any other I guess, just different things to feel emotional about. Feeling trepidation about what next year may bring but trying hard not to think about that too much and instead feel appreciation for each joyful thing, no matter how big or small.
I've put together a thing with some of the trees from 2021; not all of them as a third would probably be Christmas trees (at least it feels like it would be). It's always really nice to look back on the year and remember all the creations and the stories behind some of them.
Anyway, I shall leave you to have a look through them while I look round at everything I now need to move, clean or pile up in a corner. Wishing you all a joyful, safe and peaceful Christmas, or if that's not your thing, still wishing you a joyful, safe and peaceful holiday. Much love to you all and I'll see you next year! Hope 2022 is good to you ❤

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