Ho ho... holy moly it's December already!
Seasons greetings... if that's applicable to the start of December? I'm not sure about timings of stuff anymore since half of my neighbours have had all their festive decorations and flashing lights up since mid November. I'm beginning to feel like the Grinch of the street with my boring non flashing house!
Things are running as usual at Twysted Roots central with orders flying off to you, mostly on the same day they come in if they're early enough. UK services are running steadily with things arriving as expected but obviously with things being the way they are this year, plus the extra that Christmas brings I would recommend erring on the side of caution and not leave ordering to the last minute if it can be avoided.
Just to be on the safe side I'll do what I did last year and send all UK address destined items ordered the week before Christmas using Special Delivery ... well apart from the items that were already Special Delivery - they'll just go as normal.
Overseas items do have delays but not nail bitingly so with the US being around 1-2 weeks and Australia 2-3 weeks for example, however that was last month so it could be longer during December and a little into January.
Which brings me to January and the whole brexit fiasco. At the moment I have an EORI number which is the sum of what I know I need to do - nobody knows what is going to happen or how on January 1st. Heck, a deal / no deal hasn't even been decided yet so at the moment it all feels like we're in limbo, which we effectively are.
The transition period was supposed to allow systems to be put in place so once January hit, everyone would have had a fair amount of time to prepare... and much like the appalling handling of covid, it's been a disaster, a headache and a monumental amount of confusion so yeah. No clue how anything is going to work when it comes to sending to, or ordering from the EU once we're in 2021. Once I know more I'll update as needed; I know a lot of other smaller businesses that are suspending all sales to EU destinations until everything is clearer. I don't want to do this (didn't want to leave the EU either!) but it may have to be a temporary measure initially.
On a brighter note, since I don't like to end on all doom and gloom... have been tucking into my lovely box of crystals that were ordered earlier in the year and creating some lovely trees using them as inspiration. I'm still planning to add crystals to the website for people to purchase - another thing that will happen next year now since I'm the worlds worst procrastinator, that and the timing hasn't been right with everything else going on this year. Anyway, that's me out of steam now so I'm off to engage the creative side of my brain to make some more trees.
Take care and stay safe! ❤