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Updates on postage (again!)

Hey folks! Thought I'd give you a wee update again on what's happening.

So... I had booked the courier last week to pick up and order, next morning arrived but the notification email to say when the package would be collected didn't. This has happened a few times before (no service is perfect right?) and after the first couple I realised that no email meant no collection that day and needed to be rebooked. I didn't want to wait to rebook it as that meant a Friday pickup which would mean a Monday delivery, so armed with a sense of purpose and a facemask, I headed for the post office.

This was the first time I've been down there since March as I've been semi shielding since everything kicked off. First time I've been in any shop since March! And it was fine. It was quiet and it was so lovely to see everyone again. Had a good chat, there are perspex screens up, and the times when I'd be going down are quiet anyway so post offices trips are being resumed once again. Yay! This means the website pricing has had an overhaul again and postage has been updated so some services will cost less and some will remain the same because there's no difference between PO or courier (or courier is the cheaper option).

Details on pricing can be found here

Hopefully that will be it for the foreseeable future but obviously if any changes need to be made I'll update you with a blog post and on social media posts too.

Oh and I never finished the story! Came back from the post office feeling full of accomplishment and relief only to find out the courier had come after all and put a "you weren't in!" card through the door. So much for going on the (up to last week proven) theory no notification email meant nobody turned up * facepalm *. I don't mind - it was that lack of communication that swayed the situation and that's it done now. So feel free to get some orders in - I'm looking forward to the extra exercise 😁

Take care and stay safe ❤

Bright pink bead and wire tree sculpture by Twysted Roots
Super Pink bead and wire tree sculpture


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