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Hello from my sofa

I’ve been a bit poorly this weekend with some kind of bug so it’s not going to be a lengthy blog because it’s been an effort to remove myself from the sofa, let alone string coherent sentences together.

Apart from the above, it’s been a good week, the highlight of which came in the form of a lovely review which was received by a fellow DeviantArt member, who after following my work on there, decided to make a purchase of one of my wire trees.

Now mostly when I post off one of my works, I just have to assume when I don’t hear anything back, that the recipient is happy with their purchase. From my own experience, I generally don’t leave reviews unless I’m really happy or really unhappy with a product, or unless I’m prompted in the form of a follow up email, but at the moment I’ve chosen not to go down that road. Why? Because I suppose in a strange way it means more when people do it without being pushed or feel pressured into it. To me, feedback is a compliment and an extra and not an expectation, as it requires something back from the buyer.

I’m still working away on my horse chestnut inspired tree and I’m planning on making some mini hanging trees as well as other bits and pieces on the run up to December. I have a Christmas fair booked at the start of December and when I booked it, it seemed like aaages away, however it’s coming up to October now and that niggling anxiety is telling me I need to start making more miniatures and Christmas themed things. Time to hunt out the sketch pad again to jot down ideas!

Big love

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