Fulfilling wishes
After sitting at the computer for the past hour and a half, contemplating on what to do today, I’ve decided to start by getting the blog written. Last week I had most of it done by Thursday and felt super organised. This week I feel more like I’m being carried on a wave of momentum rather than being the wave.
One of my wishes for the business was fulfilled this week after a bus trip to Tintagel to speak to lovely Vicki, owner of Willow Moon about the possibility of stocking some of my trees in her shop. Funnily enough I’d thought about this place way in the beginning, before even starting up because it’s the kind of place I’ve always loved. Before I moved to my tiny house I used to collect all manner of crystals, crystal balls, dreamcatchers, windchimes... you name it, I probably have it. Actually please don’t put that to the test otherwise I’ll be off hunting for things I may have but have forgotten about and really I don’t want to be hunting through all the drawers and boxes in my house today. Anyway, there are now a selection of TwystedRoots trees in Willow Moon, Tintagel so if you’re in the near vicinity, pop in and have a browse round all the lovely items.
I'm back to making miniatures again; I found one I forgot I had so that is now listed up on the website and I've just finished this one and will be listing that too. Remember if there's anything more specific you'd like then just get in touch through any of the various social media platforms or via the contact page on the website.

The latter half of my week I discovered that Wix (website hosting) invoices are a bit rubbish. Having had all my custom orders requesting to pay by PayPal so far, I’ve not had cause to use the direct invoicing but I assumed because all the payment options were set up anyway, it would just be a matter of sending the invoice and all the payment options would be included as standard. Noooo this wasn’t the case at all – I sent a dummy one to myself to see what was on it. No payment options and no links to direct anyone to payment either. So in the future I think I’ll have to add the custom order to the shop page and do it that way for ease of use. If anyone out there uses Wix and can shed any light on this then feel free to comment or message me – it could be I’ve just completely missed something! Live and learn ... or not.

Well I’m off to paint ... or play guitar ... or do something productive / enjoyable. Hope your weekend is good whatever you’re doing.
Big love